Devine-Millimet - Long-Term Care Liability Defense

Long-term care facilities in New England and throughout the nation face a sharp increase in liability claims. As part of the Devine Health team, Devine Millimet dedicates itself to representing long-term care providers targeted by claims of negligence, elder abuse, neglect, and fraud. Our knowledgeable defense team possesses a unique understanding of the complex operational systems at long-term care facilities. We also understand that caring for the elderly and disabled requires patience, skill, and compassion. We are privileged to defend caregivers who enrich our communities through their committed efforts.

Long-term care liability cases are often more complicated than traditional medical negligence cases faced by acute care hospitals and physicians. They require defending not only against professional negligence claims, but also against emotionally-charges allegations of elder abuse and neglect, and claims alleging violations of intricate federal and state regulatory mandates - all of which can negatively impact a facility's reputation, even if unsubstantiated. Devine Millimet's defense team is prepared to confront these complex issues on behalf of owners, operators, and administrators of long-term care facilities. We take a proactive approach and remain on the cutting edge of developing legal issues in order to present a robust and compelling defense.

Devine Health attorneys represent clients along the entire continuum of long-term care services, from in-home health to hospice care, and from individual practitioners to nationwide diversified providers. We are well-versed in dismantling the various strategies employed by plaintiffs' attorneys to maximize their clients' potential recoveries.

We Can Help You

Contact us today to learn more about how the attorneys at Devine Millimet can help you with your legal needs.

Our Services

Risk Management
Devine Health attorneys are available to provide pre-suit investigations, draft and implement arbitration agreements, identify potential risk management issues, and give seminars to instruct long-term care providers on risk avoidance.