Using our legal skills to help people on a pro bono basis is an important part of being a Devine Millimet attorney. Our lawyers are active on numerous pro bono cases and projects, helping those less fortunate receive much-needed legal counsel.

Devine Millimet attorneys participate in the 603 Legal Aid Pro Bono Program. The Housing Program is conducted by a team of lawyers from law firms across the state. It focuses on assisting families in crisis facing eviction who require legal counsel. Because services in eviction situations are required within a very tight timeframe, volunteer lawyers created the Swift Working Attorneys for Tenants team, which was piloted here at Devine Millimet in 2006. With the quick turnaround of such cases within the courts and limited resources available to meet the needs of families, many tenants go through the process representing themselves without the benefit of legal expertise and experience. The SWAT team is able to assist clients in crisis swiftly, helping to create more effective dialogue between the parties and better outcomes because both sides are able to articulate their needs and to have a say in how their case is resolved.