Devine Millimet’s healthcare attorneys, Devine Health, represents all members of the healthcare-provider community, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, physician practices, individual practitioners, and agencies responsible for the health and related needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illness. We provide assistance to our clients with their day-to-day health law issues, as well as their regulatory, legislative, administrative, and litigation needs.

Our Devine Health team is experienced in the state and federal laws that uniquely apply to the healthcare industry. Our healthcare attorneys are able to address regulatory and compliance issues such as, HIPAA, EMTALA, medical staff and employment issues, reimbursement matters (e.g. Medicare and Medicaid), managed care contracting, certificate of need issues, and risk management and professional liability matters. Our experience also extends into more generalized laws that affect the healthcare industry, such as nonprofit corporate law, charitable trust law, real estate, financing, antitrust, and state and federal tax law

Our Services


Through the representation of community hospitals, tertiary care facilities, teaching hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, non-profit institutions, and religiously-affiliated hospitals, we have developed an understanding and appreciation for the unique and highly complicated issues facing these institutions.
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Long-Term Care Facilities

In this era of extensive government regulation and oversight, we serve our long-term care facility clients, especially nursing homes, by taking a multidimensional approach.
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Medicaid-Funded Agencies

We assist Medicaid-funded non-profit agencies respond to State actions alleging Medicaid over-billing, fraud, and other compliance issues, as well as State proceedings seeking to revoke their licenses, or force a merger or dissolution.
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Physician & Healthcare Practices

We help physicians, dentists, nurses, allied health professionals, and other health care providers navigate the complex healthcare legal landscape, at both the individual and group practice level.
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articles-updates Nov 21, 22

Deja Vu: Improper Deposition Behavior

The Devine Millimet Medical Malpractice team reviewed some historic and, increasingly, current types of discovery conduct that have landed clients and their lawyers in public, embarrassing, and expensive situations. We want our clients and colleagues to understand that advocacy, especially in the deposition context, has very firm limits. I. Historical […]
articles-updates Aug 8, 21

Planning Ahead: New Hampshire’s Advance Health Care Directives Statute Evolves Again

Planning Ahead: New Hampshire Adopts Changes to its Advance Health Care Directives Statute, Including Updates to its Statutory Forms Used in Many Hospital Settings  A difficult but frequently unavoidable subject, advance directives give instructions to providers on how to care for individuals who no longer possess capacity to make decisions […]
articles-updates Jun 30, 21

Time to Change New Hampshire Causation Instruction for Medical Malpractice Cases?

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that trial courts should use the “but-for” causation standard when evaluating medical negligence cases. This ruling settled prior confusion about the “substantial contributing factor” test that had complicated prior causation analysis. Whether the more streamlined but-for test crosses the New Hampshire […]
press-releases Jan 2, 20

Joseph “Joey” Mattson Joins Devine Millimet’s Litigation Team

Manchester, NH – Devine Millimet is pleased to announce that Joseph “Joey” Mattson has joined Devine Millimet’s Litigation team as an Of Counsel attorney. With over a decade of experience, his practice is focused on healthcare law, medical malpractice and professional liability defense. Joey has represented a variety of clients, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, […]

we can help you

Contact us today to learn more about how the attorneys at Devine Millimet can help you with your legal needs.

we can help you

Contact us today to learn more about how the attorneys at Devine Millimet can help you with your legal needs.


Devine Millimet’s healthcare attorneys, Devine Health, represents all members of the healthcare-provider community, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, physician practices, individual practitioners, and agencies responsible for the health and related needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illness. We provide assistance to our clients with their day-to-day health law issues, as well as their regulatory, legislative, administrative, and litigation needs.

Our Devine Health team is experienced in the state and federal laws that uniquely apply to the healthcare industry. Our healthcare attorneys are able to address regulatory and compliance issues such as, HIPAA, EMTALA, medical staff and employment issues, reimbursement matters (e.g. Medicare and Medicaid), managed care contracting, certificate of need issues, and risk management and professional liability matters. Our experience also extends into more generalized laws that affect the healthcare industry, such as nonprofit corporate law, charitable trust law, real estate, financing, antitrust, and state and federal tax law

Our Services


Through the representation of community hospitals, tertiary care facilities, teaching hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, non-profit institutions, and religiously-affiliated hospitals, we have developed an understanding and appreciation for the unique and highly complicated issues facing these institutions.
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Long-Term Care Facilities

In this era of extensive government regulation and oversight, we serve our long-term care facility clients, especially nursing homes, by taking a multidimensional approach.
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Medicaid-Funded Agencies

We assist Medicaid-funded non-profit agencies respond to State actions alleging Medicaid over-billing, fraud, and other compliance issues, as well as State proceedings seeking to revoke their licenses, or force a merger or dissolution.
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Physician & Healthcare Practices

We help physicians, dentists, nurses, allied health professionals, and other health care providers navigate the complex healthcare legal landscape, at both the individual and group practice level.
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Articles & Updates

Articles & Updates Nov 21, 22

Deja Vu: Improper Deposition Behavior

The Devine Millimet Medical Malpractice team reviewed some historic and, increasingly, current types of discovery conduct that have landed clients and their lawyers in public, embarrassing, and expensive situations. We want our clients and colleagues to understand that advocacy, especially in the deposition context, has very firm limits. I. Historical […]
Articles & Updates Aug 8, 21

Planning Ahead: New Hampshire’s Advance Health Care Directives Statute Evolves Again

Planning Ahead: New Hampshire Adopts Changes to its Advance Health Care Directives Statute, Including Updates to its Statutory Forms Used in Many Hospital Settings  A difficult but frequently unavoidable subject, advance directives give instructions to providers on how to care for individuals who no longer possess capacity to make decisions […]
Articles & Updates Jun 30, 21

Time to Change New Hampshire Causation Instruction for Medical Malpractice Cases?

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that trial courts should use the “but-for” causation standard when evaluating medical negligence cases. This ruling settled prior confusion about the “substantial contributing factor” test that had complicated prior causation analysis. Whether the more streamlined but-for test crosses the New Hampshire […]

Press Releases

Press Releases Jan 2, 20

Joseph “Joey” Mattson Joins Devine Millimet’s Litigation Team

Manchester, NH – Devine Millimet is pleased to announce that Joseph “Joey” Mattson has joined Devine Millimet’s Litigation team as an Of Counsel attorney. With over a decade of experience, his practice is focused on healthcare law, medical malpractice and professional liability defense. Joey has represented a variety of clients, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, […]