Devine Millimet’s professional liability lawyers represent accountants and real estate professionals on errors and omissions, administrative charges, and other claims. Defense of these professionals presents special challenges. It involves determining the appropriate “standard of care”, reconstructing complicated transactions, and making the client’s multi-faceted professional judgments understandable to a lay jury or licencing board. The defense lawyer has to manage unwieldly numbers of documents and present the case clearly, using expert witnesses and demonstrative exhibits.

The client is often a highly skilled specialist and can be the best resource in preparing a defense. Our lawyers treat the client with respect and sensitivity, without losing the objectivity needed to achieve the best result. Our lawyers providing these services have decades of experience, which prepares them for this task.

Our professional liability defense lawyers also benefit from the fact that they are able to draw on the skills and expertise of fellow Devine Millimet lawyers who practice law in related disciplines, such as real estate, bankruptcy, taxation, corporate and business law.

Our Services


Devine Millimet is deeply committed to the accounting profession.  Our staff includes five CPAs.  One of our lawyers serves on the New Hampshire Board of Accountancy, which licenses accountants and ensures compliance with professional standards. The firm shares its expertise with accountants by hosting educational programs and providing written updates on legal developments. Our business lawyers provide a variety of services to accountants and accounting firms on corporate, business and real estate matters. Our trial lawyers represent the accounting profession through defense of malpractice claims and, disputes with clients and other litigated matters.

Real Estate Professionals

When a real estate transaction goes badly, the professionals involved can be subject to claims against them. Our lawyers regularly represent agents, brokers, real estate agencies, surveyors, appraisers and home inspectors facing lawsuits or licensing complaints. One of our team members serves on the Real Estate Commission and we are counsel to The New Hampshire Board of Realtors® Association. Our lawyers represent these professionals in State and Federal Court in the New England region and before specialized licensing boards. We work with both the real estate professional and their insurance carriers to protect their interests, their professional licenses and their reputations.


we can help you

Contact us today to learn more about how the attorneys at Devine Millimet can help you with your legal needs.

we can help you

Contact us today to learn more about how the attorneys at Devine Millimet can help you with your legal needs.


Devine Millimet’s professional liability lawyers represent accountants and real estate professionals on errors and omissions, administrative charges, and other claims. Defense of these professionals presents special challenges. It involves determining the appropriate “standard of care”, reconstructing complicated transactions, and making the client’s multi-faceted professional judgments understandable to a lay jury or licencing board. The defense lawyer has to manage unwieldly numbers of documents and present the case clearly, using expert witnesses and demonstrative exhibits.

The client is often a highly skilled specialist and can be the best resource in preparing a defense. Our lawyers treat the client with respect and sensitivity, without losing the objectivity needed to achieve the best result. Our lawyers providing these services have decades of experience, which prepares them for this task.

Our professional liability defense lawyers also benefit from the fact that they are able to draw on the skills and expertise of fellow Devine Millimet lawyers who practice law in related disciplines, such as real estate, bankruptcy, taxation, corporate and business law.

Our Services


Devine Millimet is deeply committed to the accounting profession.  Our staff includes five CPAs.  One of our lawyers serves on the New Hampshire Board of Accountancy, which licenses accountants and ensures compliance with professional standards. The firm shares its expertise with accountants by hosting educational programs and providing written updates on legal developments. Our business lawyers provide a variety of services to accountants and accounting firms on corporate, business and real estate matters. Our trial lawyers represent the accounting profession through defense of malpractice claims and, disputes with clients and other litigated matters.

Real Estate Professionals

When a real estate transaction goes badly, the professionals involved can be subject to claims against them. Our lawyers regularly represent agents, brokers, real estate agencies, surveyors, appraisers and home inspectors facing lawsuits or licensing complaints. One of our team members serves on the Real Estate Commission and we are counsel to The New Hampshire Board of Realtors® Association. Our lawyers represent these professionals in State and Federal Court in the New England region and before specialized licensing boards. We work with both the real estate professional and their insurance carriers to protect their interests, their professional licenses and their reputations.



Jon B. Sparkman


Mark A. Perkins

Of Counsel

Joseph G. Mattson


Matthew R. Johnson


Pierre A. Chabot
