111 Amherst Street
Manchester, NH 03101

64 North Main Street, Suite 302
Concord, NH 03301

30 Penhallow Street, Suite 302
Portsmouth, NH 03801
We encourage you to review theĀ About Us and Services sections of this site to learn more about who we are and the type of clients we represent.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter, nor the creation of an attorney-client relationship between any lawyer in this Firm and the reader. Recipients of content from this site should not take or refrain from taking any action based upon content included in this site without seeking legal counsel on the particular facts and circumstances at issue in the state in which you live.
If you wish to initiate possible representation by a lawyer with this Firm, please contact the lawyer of your choice. You will be advised of our processes to avoid conflicts of interest, and requirements of our letter of engagement prior to the commencement of representation.
By emailing or otherwise transmitting information through this site or otherwise to the Firm or any of its lawyers in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, you agree that our receipt or review of such information (other than such information as we may expressly request from you for the purpose of identifying conflicts of interest and evaluating our competence in the matter), even if it is confidential and transmitted in good faith to retain us, will not preclude us, should we decline to represent you or should you decline to retain us, from representing another client directly adverse to you, even in a matter where that information could be used against you.